June build uploaded!

Hey! I just sent to all Level Three: Contributors this month's build on Patreon! Click HERE to become a tester! It contains the first sprite revisions from the Artist and two bug fixes pointed out by the testers.

Here are some before and after comparisons:

Note how Martin's hands and feet got more dynamically posed, and his face became more expressive. Melissa got chubbier and juicier now, as originally intended.

 I also put her flip-flops back in the scene. They will have a role in the story. I can't forget it!

And that's it for today!

Patreon is asking me to rewrite my page to adapt to their new layout, so I will take the next two days to review everything and rethink my strategies. Your contributions to the survey inspired me to make some changes! Thank you very much!

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I looked forward to this day, know that you have a nice Brazilian community...
will have new patreons soon <3

Thank you very much :D